83 groups - 16 countries - 1 passion

Year of foundation: 1980
Last performance: 2022
Next performance: -
Playing interval: Every 2 years
Performances per interval: -
Venue type: Outdoor
Number of contributors: 200
Website: -
E-Mail: mariacarlacattafesta@yahoo.it
It was 1980 when 8 members founded the "ATE-TIXE STUDIUM" association, 43 years have passed since then but the passion and love for the city has remained unchanged. Surely the Association is characterized by a very important event which this year reaches its 28th edition and which every year attracts thousands of people: "The Sacred Representation of the Passion of Jesus". The first edition was proposed in 1990, although it is fair to remember that the very first "Passion" was created in 1975 thanks to a group of young people expertly led by the priest Don Angelo De Ritis. This important event, which has been taking place for years now, makes us understand how important it is to believe, protect and preserve our values. It is important especially for kids, children and adults to feel involved in the various roles of the significant re-enactment, because it educates to participate and stimulates collaboration, being together and therefore teamwork which is essential for the success of the event. The event consists of various scenes that are made in different areas of our town and are made with the help of hundreds of actors and extras and thanks to the support of the municipality of Atessa and local businesses.
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