83 groups - 16 countries - 1 passion
Year of foundation: 1933/2000
Last performance: 2018
Next performance: 2025
Playing interval: Every 3 years
Performances per interval: 10
Venue type: Outdoor
Number of contributors: 300
Website: www.budaorsipassio.eu
E-Mail: ritter@t-online.hu
The Budaörs Passion was performed for the first time in 1933, then till 1939 every year in Hungarian and German. For this purpose, on the picturesque stone mountain, the deep-religious inhabitants of Budaörs have built an open-air theatre depicting Jerusalem and have shown the Passion of Jesus, After the Second World War and the forcible expulsion of the German inhabitants the scenery of the passion was smashed, the stones were dragged off. After the political turn in Hungary in 2000 the Passion of Csíksomlyó was performed on the stone mountain, then in 2003 and 2006 the Budaörs Passion was performed using the original text once more. The goal of the Budaörs Passion is to show a performance based on a Christian foundation that demonstrates Christ’s suffering and death on the Cross. The missionary character of the play and the brush-up of the Budaörs tradition from the 1930s are a decisive factor in the conceptual design of today’s performance. The Passion is organised by the German self-government of Budaör and is performed in Hungarian and German.
Email: info@europassion.eu
Via Ulisse Aldrovandi 16
00197 Roma
Banco BPM
IBAN: IT73 V 05034 45620 000000005131