89 groups - 16 countries - 1 passion

Year of foundation: 1994

Last performance: -

Next performance: -

Playing Interval: Annual

Performances per Interval: -

Venue Typ: Procession

Number of Contributors: -

Website: www.settimanasantacianciana.com

E-Mail: info@settimanasantacianciana.it

Every year the Association "SETTIMANA SANTA" (Holy Week) organises a lively performance of the Rites of the Holy Week in the village of Cianciana (AG) with the participation of amateurs and professional actors portraying the people of the Passion. The event takes place every year during the week from Palm Sunday to Easter Sunday. All the scenes of the Passion of Christ are shown: from Jesus’ Entrance and the benediction of the Olive trees and Palms - John the Baptist - Last Supper - Caiaphas-Annas - Betrayal by Judas - Process against Jesus (Sanhedrin-Praetorium- Herod-Flagellation – The way: visit to the graves - Process against Jesus: the condemnation - The Via Crucis (Jesus meets Mary - Jesus is helped by Simon of Cyrene - Jesus meets Veronica - etc) - Crucifixion - Removal - Procession with the simulacrum of the dead Christ and with Our Lady of Sorrows - Holy Mass "Resurretio Domini" - Meeting of the risen Jesus with Mary. With the performance of "Jesus, the last hours", a work by Mario Cammarata, innovative new texts inspired by the Bible and an interactive production, the Association managed to give this "Holy Event" cultural substance as well as religious, social and touristic value. In a creative and democratic way, the event involves the whole community, from the seniors to the children, from women to men and every year for a certain period of time, together they experience the problems of being close together and getting along with each other. For the entire Holy Week, the Association transforms the village into ancient Jerusalem, reproducing places and moments of the Passion of Christ. Though it does have institutionalised roles, the Association does not have any power-abusing hierarchies on a practical and administrational level. Rather, it is a point of reference and a driving element for everyone that wants to approach the event and it is open to every participation that each citizens can and wants to give based on his competences or profession.

Cianciana (Agrigento)