89 groups - 16 countries - 1 passion

Year of foundation: 1978

Last performance: 2023

Next performance: 2024

Playing Interval: Every year

Performances per Interval: 2

Venue Type: Open-air stage

Number of Contributors: 100

Website: www.ciconicco.it

E-Mail: passion@dorfstetten.at

The Passion in Ciconicco is built around the traditional procession along the streets of the village, on Good Friday, which exists from time immemorial. Its characteristic is that every year text, set, costumes and music are renewed. The message of the Cross is updated to our days through a cultural elaboration that comes from the four Gospels. The attention has been focused on secondary characters of the Passion such as St. John, the Holy Mary, Judas etc. but also subjects like the confrontation between religions and the message of Christ as a man have been faced, etc ... It's been over thirty years since the representation in costume has first been realised in open air on the hills of Ciconicco, and in order to make it more suggestive to the thousands of people who come to see it, light and music effects are used, beyond live acting.

Via Crucis di Ciconicco