89 groups - 16 countries - 1 passion

Year of foundation: 1984

Last performance: -

Next performance: -

Playing Interval: Annual

Performances per Interval: 10

Venue Typ: Theatre

Number of Contributors: 150

Website: www.zespol-teatralny.eu

E-Mail: s.jadwiga@o2.pl

Every year since 1984 the amateur theatre at the Parish Church of Saint Elizabeth under the artistic management of Jadwiga Wyrozumska, Sister of St Elizabeth, stages a ”Passion Play” in the Mickiewicz Theatre in Cieszyn. The excellent performances lasting for ten days gather and attract crowds of spectators from all over Poland, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Austria and Germany. The theatre company consists of 150 members including multigenerational families; grandparents, parents and grandchildren take part as actors in the play, which delivers the enchanted audience the joyful and fundamental message of Jesus Christ’s victory over death. The rich and ingenious decoration, the fabulous and colourful costumes brought from Israel, very touching solo and choir songs as well as the beautiful and unique music by composer. Wojciech Kilar make the best possible retreat for thousands of spectators who are quite often moved to tears.
