89 groups - 16 countries - 1 passion

Year of foundation: 2000

Last performance: 2019

Next performance: 2025

Playing Interval: Every 5 years

Performances per Interval: 13

Venue Typ: Indoor stage

Number of Contributors: 120

Website: www.passionsspiele-dammbach.de

Dammbach is a recent location for a passion play. Encouraged by the then priest of Dammbach, Anton Heusslein, parishioner Alfred Krott asked the parish council if they could envisage Dammbach as a venue for a passion play. After some scepticism and some bemusement (how does one tackle such an undertaking?) and after some deliberation, the committee did approve the project. Thus the Dammbach passion play was launched.
A suitable text book existed already penned by initiator Alfred Krott. There were many rehearsals, a lot of dressmaking and plenty to organize before the premiere in April 2001. The strong community spirit made it possible to master everything. Dammbach has under 2,000 inhabitants and nearly every family is involved with the passion play in one form or another. The play, stage set and everything that goes with it has grown over the years and has become more professional. The performance in 2001 was followed by performances in 2004, 2009, 2014 and 2019.
In the last performance the figure of Mary Magdalene was notably the focal point. A special feature of the Dammbach passion play is the location with its living room ambience. Here in Dammbach the audience is in the thick of the performance and experiences all scenes with a certain intensity.

Passionsspiele Dammbach