89 groups - 16 countries - 1 passion

Year of foundation: 1999

Last performance: 2023

Next performance: 2024

Playing Interval: Every 2 years

Performances per Interval: 12

Venue Typ: Indoor stage

Number of Contributors: 60

Website: www.passion-dirgenheim.de

E-Mail: 1.vorstand@passion-dirgenheim.de

In 2009 we portrayed the life of John the Baptist from his childhood to his death. We performed scenes about John’s life in the desert and his work as a preacher and baptist on the banks of the River Jordan. He also denounced King Herod’s adultery, who in the end is responsible for the beheading of John after Salome’s dance.
Every two years we perform a different play, and since 1999 these plays are written by our director Martin Bernard himself. Our plays don’t show the actual Passion, they show the life of that time, always including and intergrating, however, the Passion of Jesus. Our plays are accompanied with songs that we ourselves wrote the lyrics for and with music that is composed especially for them.

Passionsspiele Dirgenheim