89 groups - 16 countries - 1 passion

Year of foundation: 1990

Last performance: 2023

Next performance: 2029

Playing Interval: Every 6 years

Performances per Interval: 12

Venue Typ: Outdoor stage

Number of Contributors: 150

Website: www.passion.dorfstetten.at

E-Mail: passion@dorfstetten.at

Since 1990 the suffering and death of Jesus Christ is performed in Dorfstetten every six years. The performances are accompanied by the passion play choir (live), and can be experienced very closely on the open air stage in the passion play court (spectator's space roofed!). With the representation of the life and death of Jesus Christ, the passion players of Dorfstetten want to bring back the faith in God to the spectators.

Passionsspiele Dorfstetten