89 groups - 16 countries - 1 passion

Year of foundation: 1998

Last performance: 2023

Next performance: 2028

Playing Interval: Every 5 years

Performances per Interval: 12

Venue Typ: Church

Number of Contributors: 150

Website: www.eibesthaler-passion.at

E-Mail: passion@mistelbach.at

A figure play after Markus

Traditional Passion plays have already been performed between 1898 and 1911 in the Weinviertler village Eibesthal – about 50 km to the north of Vienna. In the nearby town Mistelbach international puppet theatre days have been taking place for 30 years. From these two traditions the new form of the passion plays with the about 1 metre big wooden figures originated. The premiere took place in 1999. Now it is performed every fifth year in the Eibesthaler parish church. Amateur actors/actresses from the village control the figures which were created by the Slovak puppet theatre outfitters Jana Pgorielova and Anton Dusa. The German puppeteer Olaf Bernstengel directs. The text for the about one and a half hour Passion was written by the Eibesthaler theologian Andreas Strobl and keeps to the Gospel of the patron saint Mark. The Lower Austrian Gerhart Banco composed the passion music for the wind section and organ. It is played live by local musicians under the musical direction of Comp. Franz Stättner and Lambert Schön. r Reinhard Gindl from Eibesthal holds the organisational management.
The time has come. Change your mind and trust the happy message (Mk 1.15)

Eibesthaler Passion