83 groups - 16 countries - 1 passion
Europassion 2024 - Day 3
Recap of day 3 of the Europassion 2024 congress in Rumania
The morning of day 3 of the Europassion 2024 congress was dedicated to the general assembly of the Europassion association. The board presented a recap of the activities of the past year, including the registration of Europassion as an official association in Italy and the launch of a new website, a Facebook page and a WhatsApp community.
The also presented upcoming projects for the next year, including a project to promote a peaceful co-existence of all nations on the world and a joint performance by members of different passion groups in Rome in 2025.
The second part of the general assembly was dedicated to passion play of the hosting group Csíksomlyó. In a variety of short talks, the rich history and current activities of the group were presented to the congress participants.
In the afternoon the event reached its peak with the performance of the Csíksomlyó passion play. The spectators saw a moving depiction of the passion of Christ in front of Kegy church. The show combined traditional passion play elements with ballet elements to create a unique experience.
The performance was followed by a holy mass which featured intercessions in 10 different languages read by our Europassion members.
The congress came to an official end with the handing over of the Europassion statue to the passion play group of Crostwitz, Germany. The group will host the next Europassion congress in 2024.

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