89 groups - 16 countries - 1 passion

Year of foundation: 1973

Last performance: 2023

Next performance: 2026

Playing Interval: Every 3 years

Performances per Interval: 14

Venue Typ: Indoor stage

Number of Contributors: 150

Website: www.ssgf.at

E-Mail: info@ssgf.at

After the first couple of performances in the 1970s the "Schauspielgruppe Feldkirchen" (actors' company of Feldkirchen) was formed and since then - being well imbedded within the parish - they have been in charge of staging the play. Our passion play is distinguished by the intimacy of the small auditorium, as the spectators can hardly escape the intensive drama on stage they are witnessing. Unique for our passion play are also the inserted episodes representing the daily passion of our present times. For the latest run we filmed sequences based on the Old Testament which the young members of our group transferred and elaborated on themselves into their own way of life. Thus a bridge is built over a "tale of woes" of three thousand years, which never ends and can be experienced on a daily basis.

Passionsspiele Feldkirchen bei Graz