89 groups - 16 countries - 1 passion

Year of foundation: 1999

Last performance: -

Next performance: -

Playing Interval: Every 5 years

Performances per Interval: 1

Venue Typ: Outdoor

Number of Contributors: 250

Website: www.cm-ferreiradozezere.pt

E-Mail: geral@cm-ferreiradozezere.pt

All interpretations with drama in mind need to be supported by a theatrical triad: who sees it, what they see, and what is imagined. Theatre is a phenomenon that exists in the spaces of the present and the imaginary, and in the individual and collective times which are created within this space.
Theatre is an art form in which the actor, or a group of actors, interprets a story or activities under the guidance of playwrights, directors and technical experts whose aim is to present a scenario and arouse sentiments in the public.
Because we also perceive theatre to be like this, on a 3km stage, in the open air, in a "wild” countryside, we are producing, with amateur and professional actors, ‘O Capítulo da Via Sacra’, from the text of one of the oldest and most well-known works of humanity: the Bible. Therefore with the combination of theatre, song, music, circus acts, goodwill, pleasure and smiles, we will be travelling across 3km over a period of 5 months, with about 300 people. The end of the story is open... This story is for everyone, believers and non-believers alike. In the end, Círius is to be shown to the world, without any pretensions, but truthfully, to whoever loves life. And afterwards? You will be more inclined to question.

Ferreira do Zezere