89 groups - 16 countries - 1 passion

Year of foundation: 1983

Last performance: -

Next performance: -

Playing Interval: Annual

Performances per Interval: -

Venue Typ: Procession

Number of Contributors: 650

Website: www.catgrassina.org

E-Mail: catonlusgrassina@gmail.com

The historical celebration of Christ’s Passion is held in Grassina every Good Friday evening and it has two main moments. While in the village the Corteo Storico (historical procession) moves along the streets with wonderful period costumes, on a nearby hill outside the centre of the village, some scenes from the Life and Passion of Christ are enacted. The hill is a real natural stage, and the audience sits at its feet enjoying the paths, the (olive) trees, the bushes and the dry-walls, which constitute the simple, effective and natural scenery where the actors play. The music, taken from classical, romantic and contemporary repertories, together with special light effects, makes the celebration very evocative, highlighting the most important parts of the texts taken from the Gospels, though without changing its gist.

Grassina (Firenze)