83 groups - 16 countries - 1 passion
Year of foundation: 1946
Last performance: 2023
Next performance: 2030
Playing interval: Every 10 years
Performances per interval: -
Venue type: Outdoor stage
Number of contributors: 150
Website: www.freilichtbuehne-hallenberg.de
In 1950 which had been declared the Holy Year by the Holy Father Pius XII., the openair theatre of Hallenberg, the Freilichtbühne Hallenberg, decided to stage the Passion. The members of the Freilichtbühne promised each other to stage the play about the living and dying of our Lord Jesus Christ, as well as the message of his resurrection every ten years. In 1980, the "old" script which had been written in rhymes was replaced by a more modern one closely complying with the biblical text and keeping to the essential points. The first act portrays the lessons and work of Jesus, the second act portrays the suffering and the resurrection of Jesus. The PASSION lives by the principle that only the ones who are moved will be able to move something. We hope this feeling of being moved and touched will reach all the spectators so that in the end they can, together with our actors, thankfully join in the final choir of the first "Easter hymn of Hallenberg": "CHRISTUS IST ERSTANDEN" ("CHRIST IS RISEN")
Passionsspiele Hallenberg
Email: info@europassion.eu
Via Ulisse Aldrovandi 16
00197 Roma
Banco BPM
IBAN: IT73 V 05034 45620 000000005131