89 groups - 16 countries - 1 passion

Year of foundation: 1932

Last performance: 2022

Next performance: 2027

Playing Interval: Every 5 years

Performances per Interval: 20

Venue Typ: Indoor stage

Number of Contributors: 500

Website: www.passion.at

E-Mail: passionsspiele@kirchschlag.at

The life, suffering and resurrection of Jesus Christ have been staged in Kirchschlag since 1932. Every 5 years biblical incidents are put on stage by 500 inhabitants of Kirchschlag – including even toddlers and the elderly – so that the audience feels involved in the message of salvation. All actors are willing to participate without any remuneration.
The air-conditioned theatre where the Passion Play is performed has excellent acoustics and offers an auditorium with an outstanding view for 1000 spectators. According to a social concept, the earnings of the play are used to support charity organizations and social projects. The Passion Play of Kirchschlag is the bearer of the Lower Austria Cultural Prize 2005 and has been given numerous awards.

Passionsspiele Kirchschlag