83 groups - 16 countries - 1 passion

Year of foundation: 1996
Last performance: 2013
Next performance: 2021
Playing interval: Every 6 - 8 years
Performances per interval: 10
Venue type: Indoor stage
Number of contributors: 350
Website: www.kuellstedter-passionsspiele.de
The Küllstedter Passion Play was first performed in 1996 in the parish church "St. Georg & Juliana ": Idea and actors came from the ranks of the local carnival association. The joy of playing and a positive response to the performance in 1996 were the reasons for further productions in the years 2001, 2007 and 2013. Players and actors work largely voluntarily: the proceeds are donated exclusively for church and social projects. Contacts with friendly Passion Play groups as well as the membership in the EUROPASSION gave new impulses to present the message of the life, suffering and death of Jesus Christ again and to make it musically impressive. What unites us here in the town as well as throughout Europe is the Passion: it guides and keeps us together again and again.
Passionsspiele Küllstedt
Email: info@europassion.eu
Via Ulisse Aldrovandi 16
00197 Roma
Banco BPM
IBAN: IT73 V 05034 45620 000000005131