89 groups - 16 countries - 1 passion

Year of foundation: 2002

Last performance: 2013

Next performance: 2021

Playing Interval: Every 3 - 7 years

Performances per Interval: 14

Venue Typ: Different stages

Number of Contributors: 90

Website: www.wallfahrt-kleinenberg.de


The Kleinenberg Mystery Games took place for the first time in 2002. This revived an old tradition from the 18th century. The concept of the games is based on a pilgrimage that leads past 8 venues in Kleinenberg and depicts scenes from the life of Our Lady, which is probably unique far and wide. In contrast to the pure stage presentation, the spectators experience the game in groups of max. 80 people who move from station to station. The groups start every half hour and are guided through the 2½ hour event by guides. In the past few years, around 1,000 spectators have been welcomed.
It is the aim of all those involved that the mystery play, according to the motto "Free space for the soul", addresses and fulfills faithfully motivated visitors as well as those who are remote from the church and interested in religious amateur theater in the same way.
In addition to the over 100 active members, who all come from our community, the games are carried out by the Kleinenberg clubs and a large local community. Each group contributes to the success with different activities and support.
A comprehensive trailer can be found at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xhP8NEAGjHU

Passionsspiele Lichtenau