89 groups - 16 countries - 1 passion

Year of foundation: 2000

Last performance: -

Next performance: -

Playing Interval: Annual

Performances per Interval: 4

Venue Typ: Theatre

Number of Contributors: 125

Website: www.instagram.com/tilltallteatre

E-Mail: llinars@tilltall-theatre.cat

Llinars del Valles (Catalunya)

Come to me ("Veniu a mi") The Passion of Llinars del Vallès is a play that stages the public life and death of Jesus of Nazareth. Written and directed by Reyes Barragán, it has been performed since 2000 by the Till-Tall Theater group. The genesis of Come to Me lies in the author's desire to stage her own version of The Passion of the Christ with the local theater group. A trip to the Holy Land in the summer of 1995 was the final trigger for the drafting and implementation of the project. Since its premiere, it has been performed every Easter, except in 2007 and 2008, due to organizational issues, and in 2020 due to Covid 19.

"Come to me" ("Veniu a mi") is a modern passion, with a dramaturgy that avoids tradition; it is explained from a feminine point of view, in the voice of the women who were with Jesus, and this fact brings new dimensions of emotion and tenderness to the drama. Also noteworthy are the austerity, due to the almost total absence of scenery and visual effects; and the close and current language of the dialogues. These elements lead attention to the power of the word and make the protagonist focus on the message and emotions of actors, actresses and audiences. The Passion of Llinars has an air of the first Christian anouncement, by Kerigma. "Come to Me" is the beginning of a well-known verse in the Gospel of Matthew, an appeal that invites the potential spectator, believer or not, to come closer and discover, or rediscover, the story of Jesus and his message of peace. of love and justice so valid and necessary in modern times.