83 groups - 16 countries - 1 passion

Year of foundation: 1914
Last performance: -
Next performance: -
Playing interval: Annual
Performances per interval: 4
Venue type: Theatre
Number of contributors: 250
Website: www.passionbretagne.com
E-Mail: contact@passionbretagne.com
The tradition of the Passion Play in Loudéac, which is very alive and part and parcel of the town’s cultural heritage, has been going strong since 1914 and regularly makes news in Western France with its five yearly performances before Easter. The cast are now getting ready to celebrate the centenary of the Passion Play. While keeping as closely as possible to Scripture, state-of-the-art sound and light effects have been introduced in the performance and the set designed to adapt to various locations.
Since 1989, performing on a more than 150 meter-long stage, amateur actors of all ages have been volunteering to re-enact the sacred drama of Christ’s Passion in 12 scenes, ranging from Entrance into Jerusalem to the Emmaus Encounter. Each year, Loudéac’s Passion Play has thousands of spectators, believers and non-believers alike, transported by the intensity of the plot and the quality of the setting.
Since 1993, with the support of our bishop, a peformance focusing on catechetical instruction which targets children has been attended by over 10,000 of them from surrounding dioceses, and the emotional intensity is clearly palpable when all those young boys and girls at the end of the performance will join in with the cast to sing in unison: "Go out into the world and announce that Jesus is alive!"
La Passion de Loudeac
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