89 groups - 16 countries - 1 passion

Year of foundation: 1947

Last performance: 2012

Next performance: 2025

Playing Interval: Every 5 - 9 years

Performances per Interval: -

Venue Typ: Indoor stage

Number of Contributors: 260

Website: www.theater-mettmach.at

E-Mail: office@theater-mettmach.at

The "New Passion in Mettmach” poses a brave step into a new era of the history of the Passion plays. For the first time we get away from the common description of a Passion of Jesus and enter new religious ground. So the issue of first part of the play is a discussion and argument about the new passion itself (with the actors from Mettmach and a "play-stage director”). Revolutionaly theological thoughts are confronted with the common traditional version of the play. This results in a change of the "image of Jesus” in people’s minds. The second part of the play shows the main message of the "Passion” (including artistic means like music and choreography) based on new aspects of the new historical and critical research.

Passionsspiele Mettmach