83 groups - 16 countries - 1 passion
Year of foundation: 1922
Last performance: 2019
Next performance: 2019
Playing interval: Every 10 years
Performances per interval: 22
Venue type: Indoor stage
Number of contributors: 500
Website: www.kolping-neumarkt.de
E-Mail: info@kolping-neumarkt.de
The Neumarkt Passion plays were called into being by a Capuchin order in the framework of recatholization of the Upper Palatinate. During the Age of Enlightenment the citizens of Neumarkt were forbidden to perform their beloved Passion play. The text was lost after that. After World War I., members of the Catholic journeymen’s association revived the Neumarkt Passion plays. But the circumstances of the time interrupted the plan to perform the Plays every 5 years. Only in 1959 or 1964 did the Kolping family of Neumarkt perform the Passion plays again, using German Mayr’s text. After the performances in 1984 and 1989, deputy headmaster Hans G. Hirn subjected the Play to a thorough readaption for the 1999 and 2009 season. After the last performance of the Neumarkt Passion plays of 1999, that was completely sold out just the 18 previous performances, the cast decided to realise the Plays again 10 years later. Thus, the Passion plays are being performed again from 28th February until 10th April 2009.
Passionsspiele Neumarkt
Email: info@europassion.eu
Via Ulisse Aldrovandi 16
00197 Roma
Banco BPM
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