89 groups - 16 countries - 1 passion

Year of foundation: 1633

Last performance: 2020

Next performance: 2030

Playing Interval: Every 10 years

Performances per Interval: 100

Venue Typ: Outdoor stage

Number of Contributors: 2300

Website: www.gemeinde-oberammergau.de

E-Mail: passion@gemeinde-oberammergau.de

The origin of the passion play goes back to a vow made in 1633 by the citizens of Oberammergau to ward off the plague that was raging at that time. The tradition, maintained and experienced almost without interruption for over 370 years, of putting on the play about the suffering, death and resurrection of Christ every ten years, will be continued for the 41st time in 2010 and is regarded as the most important religious and cultural event in Germany. The village at the edge of the Bavarian Alps expects approximately 500,000 visitors for the passion play, over half of which will be international guests.
The premiere is to be on May 15, 2010, with 105 play dates to follow up through October 3, 2010. Over 2,500 local residents, 450 of which are children, have volunteered for the play, the most ever. All actors of the world's largest amateur dramatic performance come from the village, since a special play law is in effect. All participants, from actors playing the big speaking parts such as Jesus, Mary or Judas, through members of the choir, orchestra members, firemen and ushers, must have been born in Oberammergau or lived there for at least 20 years. For the third time, Oberammergau director and manager of the Munich Volkstheater Christian Stuckl will direct the 2010 Passion Play, in a tremendous collective achievement.

Passionsspiele Oberammergau