89 groups - 16 countries - 1 passion

Year of foundation: 1998

Last performance: -

Next performance: -

Playing Interval: Annual

Performances per Interval: -

Venue Typ: Outdoor

Number of Contributors: 1000

Website: www.misterium.eu

E-Mail: info@misterium.eu

For the sake of His sorrowful Passion, have mercy on us and on the whole world. Jesus Christ, I trust in You!

The Mystery Passion Play in Poznan is the biggest passion performance in the world. 2000 loaves of bread baked by Poznan bakeries, 600 costumes made by a few dozen people. 1000 people working at each performance including: 300 actors – passionate people creating the biblical characters, 300 scouts who provide light with torches on the Way of The Cross, 300 singer choir created from joined Poznan choirs with a symphonic orchestra created the soundtrack for the performance, 100 people in the organization team. Always beautiful weather, moving music and play of lights, silence and contemplating people, wonderful atmosphere. Come to see and experience this unique ceremony and spectacle! Free entrance!
