89 groups - 16 countries - 1 passion

Year of foundation: 1923

Last performance: 2017

Next performance: 2023

Playing Interval: Every 6 years

Performances per Interval: 22

Venue Typ: Indoor stage

Number of Contributors: 250

Website: www.passionsspiele-rieden.de

E-Mail: info@passionsspiele-rieden.de

The Passion play in Rieden has its origin in the early 20th century. The floor covering of the parish church was financed by the earnings of the first spectacle in 1923. In the following years, the Passion play was executed by various organisers. In 1965, the "Katholischer Jungesellenverein Rieden” took over the management, and the Passion of Jesus Christ was henceforth performed every ten years. The "Laienspielgruppe” Rieden has existed since 1993. In its name the Passion play was organised in 1995, in 2000 and in 2005. The next spectacle is planned for the year 2011, as usually for the Lenten Season. For the performances a stage (100 m2) will be built in the church and the pews will be replaced by a stand with seats. Altogether more than two hundred people of all social stratums volunteer for participating in the Passion play. Today, the earnings are used to sustain institutions in Rieden (elementary school, kindergarten) and the parish church.

Passionsspiele Rieden