89 groups - 16 countries - 1 passion

Year of foundation: 1933

Last performance: -

Next performance: -

Playing Interval: Annual

Performances per Interval: -

Venue Typ: Theatre

Number of Contributors: -

Website: www.sainte-pazanne.fr

E-Mail: info@lechristroi.org

Since 1933 in Sainte Pazanne, a team of volunteers has performed the Passion Play "Le Christ Roi” ("Christ the King”.) The spectacle comprises a prologue, two acts and an epilogue. The scenes portray the fall of Satan and the motive for his eternal hatred of Christ. The first part presents Christ as King on earth, confirming his royalty by depicting major events of his passage on earth. He is the King of the elements, King and master of death, King of love as well as the King of the Jews, being ridiculed, insulted and crucified. The first act ends with the Ascension of Christ. The theme of the second part is focused on the "King of Yesterday and Today”, showing the victorious Christ as Pasteur of his Church, constantly being attacked by Satan. The epilogue prefigures the Apocalypse according to St John ... March 8, 2009 marks the the 700th representation!

Sainte Pazanne