89 groups - 16 countries - 1 passion

Year of foundation: 1983

Last performance: 2018

Next performance: 2022

Playing Interval: Every 3 - 4 years

Performances per Interval: 11

Venue Typ: Indoor stage

Number of Contributors: 120

Website: www.passionsspiele-salmuenster.de

E-Mail: mail@passionsspiele-salmuenster.de

The Salmünster Passion developed in 1983 from a ministrant play being performed during the mass on Palm Sunday. That’s why it is still characterised by its young actors today. The text is written in modern language and is rewritten for each production using a different central theme. These themes consciously focus on social-religious themes. It’s not a purely historical play. In addition to these themes, the Passion play particularly impresses with its touching scenes. It is performed on a typical and spartan wooden stage, staged beautifully thanks to the skilful use of media and atmospheric light. The performance in a church supports the spiritual atmosphere of the religious play, narrating the Good News, but also the suffering of Jesus Christ.

Passionsspiele Salmünster