89 groups - 16 countries - 1 passion

Year of foundation: 1933

Last performance: -

Next performance: -

Playing Interval: Annual

Performances per Interval: 1

Venue Typ: City centre

Number of Contributors: 700

Website: www.passionedisezze.it

E-Mail: passionedisezze@alice.it

Every year, the "Passion of Sezze" winds through the streets of the village, thus reviving an old tradition that was lost in the dim and distant past. The performance of Sezze is the work of the lawyer Filiberto Gigli, who in 1933 was impressed by the profound spiritual attitude of the people of Sezze and decided to revive the old medieval "Passion", enhancing it by giving it a new artistic content. Within a few years it became so famous that in 1950 it was performed in Rome on the occasion of the Holy Year. The people of Sezze participate greatly, because they have always seen this task as one of the fundamental and important aspects of civic life. In this revival of the Holy Drama, the director has always wanted to realise that connection of the people of Sezze infused with spirituality and art, and he managed to blend the historical context with the requirement to depict the Christian message of the Passion of Christ in a contemporary.

Sezze (Latina)