89 groups - 16 countries - 1 passion

Year of foundation: 2017

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Venue Typ: Several

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E-Mail: andreja.megusar@amis.net

Ventus Passionis

Since the revival of the Škofja Loka Passion Play under the direction of Fr. Marjan Kokalj in 1999, there have been several performances of the Passion Play in various Slovenian towns, such as Ribnica, Štepanja vas - Ljubljana, Preddvor and Škofja Loka of course.

The leaders of these passion play groups founded the association " VENTUS-PASSIONIS - PASIJONSKI VETER" in 2017 in the Capuchin monastery of Skofja Loka.

Passion Play is a way of a new mission especially for many young people who want to take part in it. What all participants have in common is that they do not consider Passion Play as a touristic or historical event but they find a deep spiritual message in it. Passion Play is undoubtedly a performance with a strong message and has a great value only when it touches people's hearts. What is important is the spiritual, not the economic aspect of it.