89 groups - 16 countries - 1 passion

Year of foundation: 1933

Last performance: 2018

Next performance: 2024

Playing Interval: Every 5 years

Performances per Interval: 18

Venue Typ: Outdoor stage

Number of Contributors: 560

Website: www.passionsspiele-soemmersdorf.de

E-Mail: info@passionsspiele-soemmersdorf.de

Delight in playing and the wish for a bigger task for the theatre group of the choral society were the motives for the Passion play, which was performed for the first time in the Holy Year 1933. After having been prohibited by the rulers in 1935, the play experienced a new production in 1957. About 400 of the approx. 640 citizens of the village take part in the performances, which in 2008 were seen by about 30.000 spectators.
The Sömmersdorf Passion play particularly shows the dramatic happenings in Jerusalem at that time. It starts with the joy during Jesus’ Entrance into the Holy City. The impressive scene of approval and enthusiasm finds its negative counterpart: The "Hosanna" turns into the demand: " Crucify him!" The much acclaimed Saviour and Messiah turns into the betrayed, beaten, ridiculed, innocently condemned, crucified "Servant of God". But at the end there’s the victory of the risen Christ over death, and the mighty "Hallelujah" is a religious and thankful confession to God’s actions on Christ and the people.

Passionsspiele Sömmersdorf