89 groups - 16 countries - 1 passion

Year of foundation: 1799

Last performance: 2022

Next performance: 2028

Playing Interval: Every 6 years

Performances per Interval: 25

Venue Typ: Indoor stage

Number of Contributors: 250

Website: www.passionsspiele-thiersee.at

E-Mail: info@passionsspiele-thiersee.at

In 1799 in order to hold away the war from the valley, the people of Thiersee promised to stage the suffering and death of the Saviour in the form of a mystery play annually in the Lent.
The love for the passion was transmitted to the people from Thiersee from generation to generation. Since 1970 the play is performed every 6 years. In the 18th century the people of Thiersee began with the performance of an Antichrist and Eustachus play in the Holy Week on the churchyard of Vorderthiersee. The text of this first Passion dates back to the second half of the 17th century and was bought for a star of grain in the village of Oberaudorf (Bavaria) from the local farmers. That original text, written in verse form, has been revised several times.

Passionsspiele Thiersee