83 groups - 16 countries - 1 passion
Year of foundation: 1997
Last performance: 2015
Next performance: 2020
Playing interval: Every 5 years
Performances per interval: 6 - 8
Venue type: Indoor stage
Number of contributors: 100
Website: www.stadt-tirschreuth.de
E-Mail: peter.geyer@stadt-tirschreuth.de
The Tirschenreuth passion has been presented for the first time in 1997. Other presentations followed in 2000, 2005 and 2010. Following a 5-year cycle the next presentation will take place in 2015. The script, the production and the particularly impressing stage setting are the work of the famous writer and director Johannes Reitmeier, who today is the director of the "pfälzisches Landestheater” (Federal theatre of the Palatinate) in Kaiserslautern. This Passion is a unique creation, due to the fact that – with the exception of Jesus and a few selected other actors who speak standard German – all the other highly dedicated amateur actors perform in dialect. The passion is produced by the city of Tirschenreuth.
Passionsspiele Tirschenreuth
Email: info@europassion.eu
Via Ulisse Aldrovandi 16
00197 Roma
Banco BPM
IBAN: IT73 V 05034 45620 000000005131