89 groups - 16 countries - 1 passion

Year of foundation: 1993

Last performance: 2024

Next performance: 2025

Playing Interval: Annual

Performances per Interval: 5

Venue Typ: Church

Number of Contributors: 70

Website: www.lapassiondetullins.fr

E-Mail: nicolasirkis@hotmail.com

Vie et Passion de Jésus

"Life and Passion of Jesus" is the new version of the Passion of Tullins. Following the Gospel of John, it narrates Jesus public life, from his birth to his first sermons, his Passion, his crucifixion, his death but also his resurrection. Les Actes des apôtres (The Acts of the Apostles) is another spectacle that evokes the creation of the first Christian communities. Those spectacles, borne by about 200 volunteers, are a message of solidarity and sharing.

La Passion de Tullins