89 groups - 16 countries - 1 passion

Year of foundation: 1955

Last performance: -

Next performance: -

Playing Interval: Annual

Performances per Interval: 6

Venue Typ: Theatre

Number of Contributors: -

Website: www.passioulldecona.org

E-Mail: passioulldecona@passioulldecona.org

Ulldecona (Catalunya)

The patronage of the Passion of Ulldecona is a cultural association of more than 180 people, whose objective and goal it is to diffuse the traditional culture, to perform different theatrical spectacles, to train students in our theatrical school, as well as the participation in the cultural life of the region of Ulldecona.
Our association was founded in 1955 by José Mª. Rafi Poblet. The first performances of the Passion took place as a spectacle of the cultural and recreational centre. Later, the "Patronat de la Passió” was founded, a proper association that from that time on has become a theatrical spectacle of reference in our region.