89 groups - 16 countries - 1 passion

Year of foundation: 1995

Last performance: 2017

Next performance: 2024

Playing Interval: Every 5 years

Performances per Interval: -

Venue Typ: Indoor stage

Number of Contributors: 280

Website: www.passionsspiele-wintrich.de

E-Mail: info@passionsspiele.de

Wintrich on the Moselle, famous for the quality of its wines, offers its guests and visitors a romantic and idyllic, but at the same time lively atmosphere. For more than two thousand years, wine lovers have been appreciating the excellent wines produced from the sun-kissed vineyards thriving in the surroundings. Wintrich is the perfect location to relax in a comfortable and welcoming enviroment, where you can enjoy the pleasant atmosphere of wine festivals and celebrations also organized by the local wineries in their courtyards. For more than a century, the village and its one thousand inhabitants have been organising the Passion plays in St. Stephen’s Church. About 280 actors and singers put on stage a powerful play on the life and death of Jesus Christ. This is known as the original "Passion of Wintrich”. In 2007, Wintrich not only organized its own Passion plays, but also hosted the EUROPASSION 2007 with a lot of success. And today, all participants are looking forward to the next Passion plays taking place in 2024.

Passionsspiele Wintrich